3 Reasons Why Your Hammer Crusher's Discharge Size Is Too Big

Posted on: 27 September 2021

Your hammer crusher should break its materials into its setting size. If the system stops doing this, then you need to investigate the reasons behind this change. For example, some crushers develop problems which mean that they can't create the right size of discharge material. Sometimes, this discharge is bigger than it should be. Why does this happen?

1. Your Discharge Settings Are Wrong

Hammer crushers break down materials by bashing them into smaller pieces. The machine keeps working on its contents until the pieces are small enough to pass through its sieve plate or screen. You control the size of this discharge either by changing the plate or screen to the right size. Sometimes, you'll get bigger discharge pieces because your screen or plate settings are wrong. So, it's worth checking these settings before you do anything else. If they seem OK, then you might have a problem with your setting control system or buttons. They might need to be repaired or replaced.

2. Your Discharge Screen or Plate Is Damaged

A hammer crusher's discharge screen or plate controls the size of broken pieces that pass through the system. So, if you want tiny pieces, the right screen or plate will prevent larger pieces from passing through until they are crushed down enough to fit through the gaps. If you notice that larger pieces are coming out in your discharge as well as ones of the right size, then your screen or plate might have a problem. For example, if you have a hole in one of these parts, then it could be big enough to allow some larger pieces to pass through the system into your final discharge materials. Here, you might need to replace a damaged screen or plate. Once you have a new one in place, your crusher should work to the right sizing again.

3. Your Hammer Is Damaged

Your crusher's hammer has to do a hard and strenuous job. It bashes away at hard materials all the time. Sometimes, hammers can stop working effectively. This is often down to wear as they get older. If a hammer has a lot of wear on it, then it loses some of its original strength. It might not have the force to break materials down to the right sizes anymore. Parts of the surface might not strike materials cleanly and efficiently. If your hammer is old and worn, then you probably need to replace it. A new hammer should fix the problem.

If you aren't sure where your discharge problem lies, then call out a crushers repair service. They can diagnose the problem and tell you the best way to fix it.
